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help business groups and management consultants to capture their
terminology, rules and standards in an IT independent way.

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capture, visualize, and make validatable in a few days!
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3 Oct 2008
Executive Business Modeling Service Launched
Montages AG launched its new core service "Executive Business Modeling" to support chief executives ... [

15 Aug 2008
Productize Domain Knowhow Service Launched
Based on successful pilots for Credit Suisse and UBS, Montages AG launched its first core service " ... [

2 Jun 2008
Jaree case study for Model Driven Solutioning
Montages has applied Model Driven Solutioning to the strategy and planning review, as well as busin ... [

14 Jan 2008
Montages Management 2007 revenue 1.5 mio CHF
In the second regular business year of the newly formed consulting branch of Montages (see news fro ... [

2 Dec 2007
MDA goes Mainstream with EMF
Philipp Kutter of Montages and Michael Guttman of Voyant published on the recent convergence of OMG ... [

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©2007 Montages. All rights reserved.

Resources and Links:
Montages Domain Specific Languages (DSL) Technology
"Montages is based on the intuitive idea of XML + UML = executable XML, which is generalized to XML Schemas,leading to precisely defined, executable
DomainSpecific Language. This simple idea is implemented as an orthogonal extension of OMG standards such as MDA, MOF, and UML, and their corresponding
Eclipse implementations such as EMF. "

Microsoft's Software Factories DSL Technology
"... Software Factories go beyond models as documentation, using highly tuned Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) and the Extensible Markup Language (XML)
as source artifacts..."

OMG's Model Driven Architectures DSL Technology
"... MDA is all about expressing data and process precisely using formal languages like UML. ... With MOF in place, new languages can be defined
whenever necessary, and existing languages can be extended. ..."

Eclipse Modeling Framework, Open Source UML and MOF implementation
"... IBM will be implementing support for UML 2.0 using the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF), which conforms to the OMG XMI 2.0 standard. ...
EMF is one of the key technologies supporting OMG's Model Driven Architecture (MDA) initiative. ..."

Metamodeling Foundation for Language-Driven Development
"... Imagine being able to pick and choose the languages and tools you need: rich, general purpose modeling languages, domain specific languages that
capture your domain concepts, powerful analysis and executable languages for validating your designs, transformation languages that allow you to deploy
your designs into any target language you require. Moreover, because these languages are part of a unified and infinitely extensible language design
environment, you can adapt, extend and tune them as your development needs change and grow. ..."